Jack Sparrow kapitány

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Itt hirdesd az oldalad!
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Sulis cuccok
Fekete Péter








Geoffrey Rush

Hugom witches oldala
Rebeca Johnny-s oldala
Fanni Johnny-s oldala
Johnny Depp rajongók oldala
Tina oldala
Julietteee oldala 
Zsófi oldala
Courtneyy oldala

Johnny Depp-3

Forgatókönyv : A holtak kincse - Forgatókönyv

A holtak kincse - Forgatókönyv

  2007.01.02. 14:40

1. rész

Scene 1: (The interrupted wedding and the arrests)

[Port Royal – It’s raining and the wedding reception area is deserted except for the bride, Elizabeth, sitting on her haunches facing the ocean, bouquet of lowers in her hands, hair and dress soaking; ships with the East India Trading Company insignia on their flags anchor in the bay, long boats sail ashore; on one there is a horse and rider; the soldiers swarm the smithy and Elizabeth rushes off as she must have been just told of the soldiers]

Elizabeth: [Will is in irons, surrounded by East India Trading Company soldiers] Will. Why is this happening?

Will: I don’t know. [pause] You look beautiful.

Elizabeth: I think it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.

Governor Swann: Make way. Let me through! [pushes past the soldiers towards the couple, is barred by crossed spears] How dare you! Stand your men down at once! Do you hear me?

Beckett: [a soldier helps him take off his coat] Governor Weatherby Swann, it’s been too long.

Governor Swann: Cutler Beckett?

Beckett: It’s Lord now. Actually.

Governor Swann: [the spears are uncrossed, he makes his way towards Beckett] Lord or not, you have no reason and no authority to arrest this man. [motions to Will]

Beckett: In fact, I do. Mr. Mercer? [Mercer brings a wooden box to Beckett]

Beckett: [takes out a paper] The warrant for the arrest of one William Turner. [hands it over to Governor Swann]

Governor Swann: [looks at it, looks again] This warrant is for Elizabeth Swann!

Beckett: Oh, is it? That’s annoying, my mistake… [takes paper back] Arrest her.

Elizabeth: [soldiers grab her] On what charges?!

Will: [Will moves to stop them] No!

Beckett: Aha, here’s the one for William Turner. [hands another other paper over; Governor Swann looks at it in disbelief] And I have another one for a Mr. James Norrington. Is he present?

Elizabeth: What are the charges?

Governor Swann: Commodore Norrington resigned his commission some months ago.

Beckett: I don’t believe that was the answer to the question I asked.

Will: Lord Beckett, in the category of questions not answered –

Elizabeth: We are under the jurisdiction of the King’s governor of Port Royal and you Will tell us what we are charged with.

Governor Swann: The charge… is conspiring to set free a man convicted of crimes against the Crown and Empire and condemned to death for which the… [the Governor breaks off]

Beckett: For which the punishment, regrettably, is also death. [he steps up to Will] Perhaps you remember a certain pirate named Jack Sparrow.

Will and Elizabeth: [chorus forcefully] Captain!

Elizabeth: Captain Jack Sparrow.

Beckett: Captain Jack Sparrow. Yes, I thought you might.

Scene 2: (Jack’s 2nd spectacular entrance and a drawing of a key)

[on the Peal] Gibbs: 50 men on a dead man’s chest. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. Drink and the devil had done (??) for rest. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. Ha ha ha ha ha! [drinks from the bottle in his had; an ominous gong sounds and a pack of crows flies overhead]

[Pirate prison – a whimpering and screaming prisoner is dragged inside, his ankles rubbed raw from manacles; a crow plucks an eye from another who is hanging in an iron cage; the doors close; on the crag nearby, surf breaking on the rocks below, mean are throwing coffins into the waves; we follow a particular one as it floats away; a crow settles on the lid and starts pecking at it until it is blown away by a pistol shot that comes from inside the coffin; a hand holding a pistol emerges and swings around in case anyone else should be about before retreating; Jack sparrow breaks through the flimsy wood, re-shapes his favorite hat, and puts it on his head]

Jack: [he looks around before reaching back into the coffin] Sorry, mate. [with a crack, he breaks off a skeleton’s leg and uses it as a paddle] Do you mind if we make a little side trip? I didn’t think so.

Gibbs: [helps Jack up on board and gets the skeleton leg in return] Not quite according to plan.

Jack: Complications arose, ensued, were overcome. [walks towards the helm]

Gibbs: [hands the leg to Cotton standing next to him and follows Jack] You got what you went in for, then?

Jack: Muhuh. [waves around a rolled up piece of cloth and is met by a disgruntled looking Crew]

Gibbs: Captain, I think the Crew – meaning me, as well – were expecting something a bit more… [he shakes his hands at chest level as if visualizing] shiny. What with the Isla de Muerta going all pear-shapes, reclaimed by the sea and the treasure with it.

Pirate #1: And the Royal Navy chasing us all around the Atlantic.

Marty: And the hurricane! [everyone voice agreement]

Gibbs: All in all, it seems some time since we did a speck of honest pirating.

Jack: Shiny?

Gibbs: Aye, shiny.

Jack: Is that how you’re all feeling, then? Perhaps dear ol’ Jack is not serving your best interests as Captain?

Cotton’s parrot: Awk, walk the plank. [Cotton puts a hand over it’s beak before it continue]

Jack: [cocks his pistol and aims it at the parrot] What did the bird say?!

Pirate #1: Do not blame the bird. Show us, what is on that piece of cloth there. [everyone looks pointedly at the roll of cloth in Jack’s hand before the moment is broken by Barbossa’s undead monkey dropping down in front of Jack and taking the cloth; it manages to run a bit before Jack shoots it and it drops the cloth]

Gibbs: You know that don’t do no good.

Jack: It does me.

Marty: [picks up the unrolled cloth] It’s a key.

Jack: [takes it from him] No, much more better! It is a drawing of a key. [unfolds it and shows it to the Crew; everyone stares in silence and Jack seems disconcerted] Gentlemen, what do keys do?

Pirate #1: Keys… unlock things?

Gibbs: And whatever this key unlocks, inside there’s something valuable. So, we’re setting out to find whatever this key unlocks!

Jack: No. [Gibbs looks confused] We don’t have the key, we can’t open whatever it is we don’t have that it unlocks. So, what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked, which we don’t have, without first having found the key what unlocks it.

Gibbs: So, we’re going after this key!

Jack: You’re not making any sense at all. [Gibbs looks even more baffled] Any more questions?

Marty: So… Do we have a heading?

Jack: Ah! [goes for his compass] A heading. Set sail in a… [the compass needle swings this way and that without stopping and Jack’s finger follows it] general… [picks a random direction] that way direction!

Gibbs: Captain?

Jack: Come on. Snap to and make sail, you know how this works. Oi, oi! [shoos pirates out of his way as he walks to his cabin]

Marty: I’ve notice lately, the Captain seem to be acting a bit strange…er. [shrugs]

Gibbs: Setting sail without knowing his own heading, something’s got Jack vexed. You mark my words, what bodes ill for Jack Sparrow, bodes ill for us all.

Scene 3: (Negotiations and time’s up)

[back in Port Royal a map is being painted; Will is led into Beckett’s office still shackled]

Soldier: Lord Beckett, the prisoner as ordered, sir.

Beckett: Those won’t be necessary. [points out the chains, the soldier nods, and undoes the chains; Beckett pours them drinks] The East India Trading Company has need of your services. [hands Will a drink and puts it down when Will does not take it] We wish for you to act as our agent in a business transaction with our mutual friend – Captain Sparrow.

Will: More acquaintance than friend. How do you know him?

Beckett: We’ve had dealings in the past. [holds up a red-hot ‘P’ brand] And we’ve each left our mark on the other.

Will: What mark did he leave on you?

Beckett: [ignores the question and places the brand back in the fireplace] By your efforts, Jack Sparrow was set free. I would like you to go to him and recover a certain property in his possession.

Will: Recover. At the point of a sword?

Beckett: Bargain. [opens his wooden box with the East India Trading Company insignia and removes a leather case and takes out a few sheaves of paper] Letters of Marque. You Will offer what amounts to a full pardon – Jack Will be free, a privateer in the employ of England.

Will: Somehow I doubt Jack Will consider employment the same as being free.

Beckett: [scoffs softly] Freedom. [puts the papers away and walks out onto the balcony; Will follows] Jack Sparrow is a dying breed. The world is shrinking. The blank edges of the map filled in. Jack must find his place in the New World or perish. Not unlike you, Mr. Turner. You and your fiancée face the hangman’s noose.

Will: So you get both Jack and the Black Pearl.

Beckett: The Black Pearl?

Will: The property you want that he possesses.

Beckett: A ship? Hardly. The item in question is considerably smaller and far more valuable. Something Sparrow keeps on his person at all times: a compass? [Will shows recognition on his face] Ah, you know it. Bring back that compass, or there’s no deal. [Beckett walks away]

[on The Black Pearl Jack is trying to chart the map, the pirate brand clearly visible; he taps the compass trying to get it to show a heading, but it refuses to cooperate]

Jack: [picks up a rum bottle, turns it upside down, but it is empty] Why is the rum always gone? [he gets up and is wobbly on his feet] Oh… that’s why. [puts on his hat and heads to the stores, passing through the Crew quarters; the Crew is asleep and snoring] As you were, gents. [the stores look empty until Jack spots one more bottle, unfortunately it is filled with what looks like sand]

Bootstrap: Time’s run out, Jack.

Jack: [drops the bottle and moves closer, his lantern lighting the way] Bootstrap. Bill Turner?

Bootstrap: [emerges from the shadows, barnacles covering his body and sea water spilling from his mouth] You look good, Jack.

Jack: [stares at him] Is this a dream?

Bootstrap: No.

Jack: I thought not, if it were, there’d be rum. [Bootstrap stretches out his arm with a creak, there’s a bottle of rum in his hand; Jack takes it with some difficulty]

Bootstrap: You got the Pearl back, I see.

Jack: I had some help retrieving the Pearl, by the way. Your son.

Bootstrap: William? Ended up pirate after all.

Jack: And to what do I owe the pleasure of your carbuncle?

Bootstrap: He sent me. Davy Jones.

Jack: Ah. So it’s you, then. He shanghaied you into service, eh?

Bootstrap: I chose it. I’m sorry for the part I played in the mutiny against you, Jack. [a little crab escapes from his sleeve, he grabs it and eats it] I stood up for ya. Everything went wrong after that. They strapped me to a cannon, I ended up on the bottom of the ocean, the weight of the water crushing down on me. Unable to move, unable to die, Jack, and I thought that even the tiniest hope of escaping this fate, I would take it. I would trade anything for it.

Jack: It’s funny what a man Will do to forestall his final judgment.

Bootstrap: You made a deal with him, too, Jack. He raised the Pearl from the depths for you, thirteen years you’ve been Captain.

Jack: Technically, I –

Bootstrap: Jack. Won’t be able to talk yourself out of this. The terms would apply to me, apply to you, as well. One soul, bound to Crew a hundred years upon his ship.

Jack: Yes, but The Flying Dutchman already has a Captain, so there’s really –

Bootstrap: Then it’s the Locker for you! Though this is terrible, the leviathan Will find you and drag the Pearl back to the depths and you along with it.

Jack: Any idea when Jones might release said terrible beastie?

Bootstrap: I already told you, Jack. The time is up. [puts something in Jack’s hand] It comes now. Drawn with ravenous hunger for the man what bears the black spot. [Jack opens his hand and a black spot spreads out on the palm of the hand that Bootstrap touched]

Jack: [slightly panicked, Jack rushes out to the Crew quarters] On deck all hands! Make faster—gasket! On deck! Scurry! Scurry on! Move it! Move it!! I want movement! [there is chaos below decks]

Gibbs: [trying to pull his clothes on] Mr. Skinner, pick it up! (??)

Jack: [runs up on deck] I want a—- (??), plenty running. Run as if the devil himself and itself was upon us! [wraps his marked hand with a strip of cloth]

Gibbs: Do we have a heading?

Jack: [doesn’t see Gibbs] Ah! Rum! Land. [Gibbs walks away and then pops up on another side of the stairs under which Jack is trying to hide] Ah!

Gibbs: Which port?

Jack: I didn’t say port. I said land, any land. [the undead monkey climbs by and knocks off Jack’s hat] Ah! [they hiss at each other]

Gibbs: Jack’s hat! Steer about!

Jack: No, no, leave it. [everyone looks at him funny] Rum. [he hurries away]

Gibbs: Back to your stations, the lot of ya! [spots Jack under the stairs again] Jack?

Jack: Shh!

Gibbs: For the love of Mother and Child, Jack, what’s coming after us?

Jack: Nothing.

[we see Jack’s hat floating on the sea, a foreign Sailor on another ship spots it and fishes it out; he puts it on and pretends to salute, another walks up and demands it from him and puts the hat on his own head; they stop bickering when they hear an ominous groaning underneath; the one in possession of the hat frantically tries to give it to the one who had found it, but he doesn’t want it anymore; with a crack and a splash, the ship is crushed and taken underwater]

Scene 4: (The search for Jack proves somewhat successful)

[in Port Royal, Will is getting ready to leave and goes to see Elizabeth before he does]

Prison guard: You’re not… you can’t be here. [tries to stop Will from going to Elizabeth]

Governor Swann: I think you’ll find he can.

Prison guard: Mr. Swann.

Governor Swann: Governor Swann, still. Do you think I wear this wig to keep my head warm?

Elizabeth: [talking through the bars] Jack’s compass? What does Beckett want with that?

Will: Doesn’t matter. I’m to find Jack and convince him to return to Port Royal and in exchange the charges against us Will be dropped.

Governor Swann: No, we must find our own avenue to secure your freedom.

Will: Is that a lack of faith in Jack… or in me?

Governor Swann: You would risk your life to save Sparrow’s does not mean that he would do the same for anyone else. Now, where’s that dog with the keys? [looks around for the dog and whistles]

Elizabeth: I have faith in you. Both of you. Where Will you find him?

Will: Tortuga. I’ll start there and I won’t stop searching ‘till I find him. And then I intend to return here to marry you.

Elizabeth: Properly?

Will: With your leave, if you’ll still have me.

Elizabeth: If it weren’t for these bars, I’d have you already. [Governor Swann breaks off a piece of a wall sconce, looks around and drops it in a dark corner] I’ll wait for you.

Will: Keep a weather eye on the horizon. [is so close he can kiss her, but tears himself away and leaves quickly]

[Will is looking for Jack everywhere and no one can tell him where he is]

Sailor #1: Captain Jack Sparrow? Hadn’t been thought about, heard he was dead.

Sailor #2: Singapore, that’s what I heard. Drunk, with a smile. Sure as a tide, Jack Sparrow, turned up in Singapore.

Giselle: Jack Sparrow?

Scarlett: I haven’t seen him in a month.

Giselle: When you find him, you give ‘im a message. [slaps Will]

Sailor #3: Can’t say about Jack Sparrow, but this island just south of the straits where I trade spice for… delicious, long pork. Cannot say about Jack. But you’ll find that ship there. A ship with black sails.

[on board a ship taking Will to the Black Pearl beached on an island]

Captain: My brother Will take you ashore.

Will: [the Sailor stops rowing their boat] What’s wrong, the beach is right there?

Sailor: Ne bougeais pas, c’set beaucoup trop dangereaux.

Will: What?

Sailor: Je ne pois, c’est trop dangereaux, j’avais le dit. [Will makes ready to dive] Bon voyage, monsieur. [Will dives and swims the rest of the way]

Will: [walks ashore next to the Peal] Jack! Jack Sparrow! Marty! Cotton! Anybody? [he sees no one and makes his way into the jungle, spots Cotton’s parrot] Ah, a familiar face.

Cotton’s parrot: Awk, don’t eat me!

Will: [looks confused] I’m not going to eat you.

Cotton’s parrot: Don’t eat me. Don’t eat me. Awk!

Will: [walks on, spots Gibbs' canteen hanging] Gibbs. [follows the rope that had been tied to it and is captured by the cannibals; hanging upside down by one foot he swings his sword around] Come on! Let’s go! Come on, who wants it?! I can do this all day! [the cannibals look at each other then one shoots a poisoned dart at the wildly swinging Will; it hits his neck and he is knocked out, sword dropping from his hand; he is shown being carried tied like a side of meat on a roasting stick to their village]

Cannibal #1: [addressing the chief] Kali kali ten dah dah.

Will: [wakes up and sees their chief] Jack? Jack Sparrow. I can honestly say I’m glad to see you. [Jack rises and pokes his shoulder] Jack, it’s me, Will Turner!

Jack: [addressing the cannibal] Pah se ko?

Cannibals: Teen dada, eeseetis. [everyone agrees] Eeseetis.

Will: Tell them to let me down.

Jack: [to Will] Kele lam. Nom piki piki, nom minsi winsi. [approaches Will’s backside] Lam seisei, eunichi. Snip snip. [mimes scissors]

Cannibals: [the cannibals all ‘aah’ with understanding] Eunichi.

Will: [spots Jack’s compass] Jack, the compass, it’s all I need. Elizabeth is in danger. We were arrested for trying to help you. She faces the gallows!

Jack: [stands a moment thinking, then approaches the cannibals] Seiserom shup shup sha smame mame shuku, savvy? Maliki liki. [waves Will away]

Cannibals: [started up by one, taken up by all] Maliki liki! Maliki liki!

Jack: [whispers to Will before Will is carried off with a chant of ‘boom shoukoo’] Save me.

Will: Jack, what did you tell them? No! What about Elizabeth? Jaaack!

Scene 5: (The escape, more negotiations and salvaging)

[in the Port Royal jail we hear the prisoners whistling and calling ‘good boy, closer’ to what should be a dog, once the camera pans, we see that it’s Elizabeth they’re beckoning to]

Governor Swann: [a guard unlocks her cell] Come quickly.

Prisoner: Where are ye goin’?

Elizabeth: [they leave the jail] You’ve got to tell me what’s happening.

Governor Swann: I may still have some standing in the keep. I’ve arranged passage to England. The Captain is a friend of mine.

Elizabeth: [outraged] No! Will’s gone to find Jack!

Governor Swann: We cannot count on William Turner. Come! [drags her by the arm]

Elizabeth: He’s a better man than you give him credit for.

Governor Swann: Of course, this is no time for innocence. Beckett has offered one pardon only. One! And that is promised to Jack Sparrow. Even if Will succeeds… you’re not asking me to endure the sight of my daughter walking to the gallows. Do not. [leads her into a carriage] Perhaps, I can ensure a fair trial for Will, if he returns.

Elizabeth: A fair trial for Will ends in a hanging.

Governor Swann: Then there is nothing left for you here. [closes the door and drives the carriage to the dock; to Elizabeth] Wait inside. [makes his way towards the ship at anchor] Captain? [spots the Captain with his back to him] Captain! [the Captain was impaled on Mr. Mercer’s sword and once the sword is taken out, drops to the ground: dead] Oh…!

Mercer: Evening, Gov’ner. [wipes the blade of his sword clean of blood] Shame, huh? [indicates the dead body] He was carrying this [he’s holding a leather case] It’s a letter to the King. It’s from you.

Governor Swann: Ah… [nervously turns back to the carriage to try to save Elizabeth, but more soldiers run up] Elizabeth. Oh! [he is stopped by a soldier before he can get near the carriage] What are you doing?!

Mercer: [opens the carriage but there is no one inside] Where is she?

Governor Swann: Who? [Swann is swung around until his back is pressed against the carriage; it looks like they want to beat the answer out of him]

[Beckett’s rooms – Beckett enters the study and notices that the chest carrying the pardon papers has been disturbed, opens it and sees the pardon letter gone]

Beckett: No doubt you’ve discovered that loyalty is no longer the currency of the realm as your father believes.

Elizabeth: [steps out of the shadows at his back] Then what is?

Beckett: I’m afraid currency is the currency of the realm.

Elizabeth: I expect then that we can come to some sort of understanding. I’m here to negotiate. [they slowly approach one another]

Beckett: I’m listening. [Elizabeth swings out a pistol, cocks it and points it at his forehead] I’m listening intently.

Elizabeth: [holds up the pardon papers] These Letters of Marque, they are signed by the King?

Beckett: Yes, and they’re not valid until they bear my signature and my seal.

Elizabeth: Or else I would not still be here. You sent Will to get you the compass and buy Jack Sparrow, it Will do you no good.

Beckett: Do explain.

Elizabeth: I have been to the Isla de Muerta, I have seen the treasure myself. There is something you need to know. [she keeps leaning further in as she speaks and Beckett keeps leaning away]

Beckett: Aah, I see. You think the compass leads only to the Isla de Muerta and so you hope to save me from an evil fate. But you mustn’t worry. [walks towards the large map of the world on the wall] I care not for cursed Aztec gold, my desires are not so provincial. There’s more than one chest of value in these waters. So perhaps you may wish to enhance your offer.

Elizabeth: [puts the muzzle of the pistol under Beckett’s chin and cocks it once more] Consider it in your calculations that you robbed me of my wedding night. [presses the papers to Beckett’s chest roughly]

Beckett: So I did. [takes the papers and unfolds them, signs the letter] A marriage interrupted. [melts the end of a stick of wax in a candle’s flame] Or fate intervenes. [stamps the wax with his signet ring] You’re making great efforts to ensure Jack Sparrow’s freedom.

Elizabeth: These are not going to Jack.

Beckett: Oh, really. To insure Mr. Turner’s freedom? I’ll still want that compass. Consider that in your calculations. [Elizabeth snatches the papers out of his hand and walks cautiously at first, then runs out of the room]

[somewhere on the sea, Ragetti and Pintel are in a little rowboat, Ragetti has a book open and is flipping the pages, his good eye to the small print, while Pintel is doing the rowing]

Ragetti: Well, I say it was divine providence what escaped us from jail.

Pintel: And I’ll say, it was me being clever. [the dog with the keys pops up behind him] Ain’t that right, poochy?

Ragetti: Well, how d’you know it weren’t divine providence what inspired you to be clever. Anyways, I’m no’ stealing no ship.

Pintel: It ain’t stealing, it’s salvaging. And since when did you care?

Ragetti: Since we’re not immortal no more. We’ve got to take care of our immortal souls. [points finger at the open page]

Pintel: You know you can’t read.

Ragetti: It’s the Bible, you get credit for trying.

Pintel: Pretending to read the Bible’s a laugh! That’s a mark against the… [points up into the sky; dog barks and they turn to see what the fuss is about] Look. [they see the Pearl is beached on the island] There it is. [the dog jumps off the boat and makes for the beach]

Ragetti: It’s gonna swim?

Pintel: Must’ve seen a catfish. [raises an eyebrow and chuckles, Ragetti catches on and laughs with him]

Ragetti: [shouts to the dog who’s already on the beach] Stupid mongrel! [they row closer and a wave overturns their boat]

Pintel: Come on! [they approach the ship cackling with glee] It’s ours for the taking!

Ragetti: Tide’s coming in, that should help. Salvaging is saving, in a manner of speaking.

Pintel: There’s the truth of it! [they run up to the ropes holding the ship in place, but stop, looking to the mountain where deep drums sound]

Ragetti: Suppose we’d better save it as soon as we can. What with us in such a vulnerable state, y’know?

Pintel: [crosses himself twice] Amen to that. [they scramble up the ropes]

Scene 6: (The interrupted feast and the escape from the cannibals)

[the cannibals are getting ready for a ritual, drumming rhythmically]

Jack: [two natives attach a necklace of severed human toes and fingers to Jack’s neck] Thank you. [picks out a toe, studies it, bites off the tip of the nail, chews a little and spits it back out]

Will: [hanging in cages suspended in the air between two cliffs] Why would he do this to us? If Jack is the chief –

Gibbs: Aye. The Pelegostos have made Jack their chief. But he only remains chief as long as he acts like a chief.

Will: So he had no choice. He’s a captive there as much as the rest of us.

Gibbs: Worse, as it turns out. You see, the Pelegostos believe that Jack is a god in human form. And they intend to do ‘im the honor of releasing him from his fleshy prison. [Cotton grabs Gibbs' right hand bites it, Gibbs snatches it away] They’ll roast him and eat him.

Will: Where’s the rest of the Crew?

Gibbs: These cages we’re in weren’t built ‘till after we got here. [Will snatches his hand away from the cage in alarm] The feast is about to begin. Jack’s life Will end… when the drums stop.

Will: Well, we can’t just sit here and wait then, can we?

[at the feast] Jack: [when it looks like the cannibals have finished building a “pyre”] No! No no. Oi, no no! More wood. Big fire. Big fire! I am chief, want big fire! C’mon then. Oi [motions to the one behind his throne] Maboogey snickle snickle. Toute suite. C’mon. [shoos the native away] More wood. [smiles as he see them pile on big logs; when they turn around, he’s gone; Jack runs across a rickety bridge, past some huts and almost falls off a cliff; goes back to the camp, picks up a long bamboo stick, smiles, then looses the smile and drops it; goes into one hut which is filled with what looks like items stolen by the pirates; finds a length of rope and then picks up a can of paprika, on the bottom of which there is an East India Trading Company logo; he steps out of the hut and finds his subjects waiting for him outside] Oh, bugger. [drops the rope and with a flourish uncaps the paprika, sprinkling it under his arms] A little seasoning, aye? [throws the can away and smells himself faintly]

Jack: [is tied for the roasting and hoisted over the kindling; a few more branches are added at the last minute] Well done.

[in the cages, the Crew is swinging the cages, trying to reach the side of the cliff, but not quite making it the first time and almost making it the second if the grass had not torn off in their hands; after several tries, they manage to latch onto stronger vines]

Gibbs: Put your legs through! Start the climb!

Will: [climbing the vine] Come on men, it’ll take all of us to Crew the Black Pearl!

Pirate #1: Actually, you wouldn’t need everyone. About six would do. [the two groups exchange a tense look] Oooh, dear.

Will: [looks to Gibbs who nods in a agreement] Hurry! [they try to outdo each other in the climb]

Marty: Heave! Is that all you’ve got?

Will: [a young native passes on the bridge to their left; Will spots him first] Stop, stop. [whispers forcefully to the ones in the other cage] Stop! [they stop]

Pirate #1: Shh. [motions for the Crew to continue and they move on]

Will: Stop. [he is ignored]

Pirate #1: [grabs a poisonous snake instead of the vine] Snake! Aaaaaa! [everyone let’s go and they fall back, the rope holding the cage over the ravine breaks and they tumble down, screaming all the way; the commotions draws the attention of the young native]

Will: Move!

[at the feast] Cannibal: [runs in with a torch in hand] Aii, fai fai! [lowers a torch in order to light the fire under Jack but the one who saw the prisoners escaping interrupts]

Young Cannibal: La esta so, la pelesa so. Eva kaka seisei. [everyone pauses and stands around in confusion]

Jack: Well, go on, go get them! Helalla!

Cannibals: Helalla! [the one holding the torch drops it next to the kindling and they all run off] No no, oi! No no. Not good. [starts blowing on the spreading embers, but the kindling lights up anyway so he blows faster]

[Will and the Crew get the cage to the top of the cliff]

Will: Pull it loose, find a rock!

[Jack is still on the spit, he’s practically jumping, the bamboo stick jumping with him until he manages to dislodge it and lands next to the fire; he breaks the rope binding his legs and runs off with the stick still tied to him]

[the cannibals reach the cage before the Crew had managed to break it]

Will: Roll the cage! [they roll off, the cannibals running after them; roll up and tree and crash to the ground] Lift the cage!

The Crew: Hurry!

Gibbs: Lift it high like a lady’s skirt. [they lift it and run, holding it up like a skirt; the cannibals are still behind them]

[while the Crew is running from the cannibals, Jack is running across the plank bridge, hunched over because of the pole; runs back to the huts and frees his hands, but the ropes refuse to loosen and the stick stays on his back; he spots a native child who is holding a knife and fork; sidles up to him and grabs the knife, ready to cut the ropes; that’s when he sees the two women staring at him; he screams and charges them, they step aside and he runs pole-first into a pile of coconuts, one of which gets stuck to the tip; he gets a bright idea and launches it at one of them; she stops the coconut from hitting her face without difficulty]

[the Crew is still running from the cannibals, they fall into a crag and down into water where the cage breaks by itself]

Gibbs: This way lads. [they swim for cover, arrows and spears flying down on them]

[meanwhile, Jack is being attacked by various fruits which he blocks with his arms and then they end up being strung onto both ends of the bamboo stick; finally Jack’s had enough]

Jack: Stop it! [the two women stop and stare, there are fruit neatly strung on each end of the pole]

[the Crew hides as the cannibals continue their pursuit; the child from the little village runs up] Child: Manka! Ma estoto. Ma estoto. [points in the direction of the village; everyone rushes off]

[Jack, with a yell, runs for the cliff, the front end of the pole lodges in the ground and he flips to the other side, landing upright just on the edge; the position makes the fruit slide down and they overbalance him; he falls, the rope untangling, his foot caught in a loop on its end]

Native Woman #1: Anifi.

Native Woman #2: Aboogey.

Jack: [the stick starts dislodging, and he’s till handing upside down, dangling by one foot] Bugger. [he falls and over half a dozen plank bridges slow his fall as he breaks through each one, screaming all the way] Ooh. [breaks through another bridge] Ah. [he finally lands on the ground, the pole thudding very down into the earth very close to his head, the fruits not far behind]

[the Crew finally make it out to the Pearl]

Pintel: [a rope in his hands, standing in the surf] Pull loose the mooring line. The mooring line!

Ragetti: [on deck, the monkey’s gets his wooden eye as he’s crawling after it] Hey! Little hairy thing. Give it back! [the monkey puts the eye in it’s mouth] Don’t bite it!

Pintel: Pull loose the mooring line! [Jack’s Crew comes up behind him]

Ragetti: [points to his empty eye socket] It’s got me eye. It won’t give it back.

Pintel: Well, how’d you get it back last time?

Gibbs: [thumps Pintel on the back] Excellent! Our work’s half done!

Pintel: We done it for you! Knew you’d be coming back for it.

Gibbs: Make ready to sail, boys!

Will: What about Jack? I won’t leave without him.

Jack: Oi! [he rounds a corner of the island, the cannibals soon follow]

Will: Time to go.

Gibbs: Cast off those lines!

Ragetti: Make ready to cast off!

Jack: Oi! [runs past the prison dog] Good doggy. [swims out to the Pearl and clings to a net] Alas, my children, this is the day you shall always remember as the day that you almost – [a wave splashes him from head to toe; he continues half-heartedly] – Captain Jack Sparrow.

[the cannibals are lamenting the loss of their meal when the finally hear the dog barking; they turn to it and once it realizes the danger, runs; they run after it]

Gibbs: Let’s put some distance between us and this island and head out to open sea.

Jack: Yes to the first, yes to the second, but only as so far as we keep to the shallows as much as possible. [Pintel and Ragetti drape Jack’s coat on his shoulders; Pintel salutes when Jack glances at him]

Gibbs: Now, that seems a bit contradictory, Captain.

Jack: I have every faith in your reconciliatory navigational skills, Master Gibbs. Now, where is that monkey? I want to shoot something. [as on cue, Ragetti’s wooden eye drops in front of them; Ragetti is happy to have it back]

Will: Jack.

Jack: Ah.

Will: Elizabeth is in danger.

Jack: [moves off, keeping an eye on the monkey] Have you considered keeping a more watchful eye on her. Maybe just lock her up somewhere?

Will: [follows him] She is locked up in a prison, bound to hang for helping you.

Jack: There comes a time when one must take responsibility for one’s mistakes.

Will: [snatches a sword off a nearby pirate and brings it to Jack’s throat] I need that compass of yours, Jack. I must trade it for her freedom.

Jack: [moves the sword away] Mr. Gibbs?

Gibbs: Captain?

Jack: We have a need to travel upriver.

Gibbs: By need, do you, mean a trifling need, fleeting, as in, say, a passing fancy?

Jack: No, a resolute and unyielding need. [Gibbs looks worried]

Will: What we need to do is make sail for Port Royal with all haste.

Jack: William… I shall trade you the compass, if you Will help me… [takes the drawing of a key out of his pocket] to find this.

Will: You want me to find this. [indicates the key on the drawing]

Jack: No. You want you to find this. Because the finding of this, finds you incapacitorially finding and/or locating in your discovering the detecting of a way to save your dolly belle ol’ what’s her face. Savvy?

Will: [takes the cloth] This is going to save Elizabeth.

Jack: How much do you know about Davy Jones?

Will: Not much.

Jack: Yeah, it’s going to save Elizabeth.

Scene 7: (The stowaway and visiting Tia Dalma)

[on a random ship leaving Port Royal – a Sailor finds Elizabeth’s discarded wedding dress stashed on the side; two Sailors end up bickering over it]

Captain: What’s all this? If you both fancy the dress, you’ll just have to share and wear it one after the other. [the Crew laughs]

Sailor #1: It’s not like that, sir. This ship is haunted.

Captain: Is it now? [addressing the other one] You?

Sailor #2: There is a female presence amongst us here, sir. All the men, they can feel it. [the Crew agrees]

Sailor #3: Belongs to a lady widowed before her marriage, I figure it. Searching for her husband lost the sea.

Sailor #4: Virgin, too, likely as not. [Elizabeth is shown, lacquering the ship’s railing] And that bodes ill by all accounts.

Sailor #1: I say that we throw the dress overboard and we hope the spirit follows it.

Sailor #2: No! That Will just anger this spirit, sir. What we need to do is to find out what the spirit needs and then just get it back to her – [they start bickering over the dress again]

Captain: Enough! Enough! You’re a pair of superstitious goats and it’s got the best of ye. [snatches the dress from them] Now this appears to be as no more that we have a stowaway on board. A young woman, by the look of it. I want you to search the ship and find her. Oh, and, eh, she’s probably naked. [everyone perks up and starts looking for her; Elizabeth joins the search]

[the Black Pearl is anchored and two boats go upriver into an overgrown, gloomy swamp]

Will: Why is Jack afraid of the open ocean?

Gibbs: Well, if you believe such things, there’s a beast does the bidding of Davy Jones. A fearsome creature with giant tentacles that suction your face clean off and drag an entire ship down to the crushing darkness. The Kraken. They say the stench of its breath is… ooh. [shudders] Imagine, the last thing you know on God’s green earth is the roar of the Kraken and the reeking odor of a thousand rotting corpses. [Ragetti and Pintel cower] If you believe such things.

Will: And the key Will spare him that?

Gibbs: Now that’s the very question Jack wants answered. Bad enough even to go visit… her.

Will: [raises an eyebrow] Her?

Gibbs: Aye.

[they finally sail up to a hut, strange people following their progress with their eyes]

Jack: [steps onto the landing] No worries, mates. Tia Dalma and I go way back. Thick as thieves. Nigh inseparable we are. Were. Have been. Before.

Gibbs: I’ll watch your back.

Jack: It’s me front I’m worried about.

Gibbs: [to Will] Mind the boat.

Will: [to Ragetti] Mind the boat.

Ragetti: [to Pintel] Mind the boat.

Pintel: [to Marty] Mind the boat.

Marty: [to Cotton and his parrot] Mind the boat.

Parrot: [to Cotton] Mind the boat. [and flies off]

[Jack cautiously creeps into Tia Dalma’s house]

Tia Dalma: Jack Sparrow.

Jack: Tia Dalma. [almost knocks his head against a hanging jar full of eyeballs]

Tia Dalma: I always knowed the wind was going to blow you back to me one day. [she approaches Jack, then spots Will and points to him] You. You have a touch a’ destiny about you. William. Turner.

Will: You know me?

Tia Dalma: You want to know me. [leans closer]

Jack: There’ll be no knowing here. [intervenes between them] We’ve come for help and we’re not leaving without it. [leads Tia Dalma away from Will] I thought I knew you.

Tia Dalma: Not so well as I’d hoped. [she heads to the back] Come.

Jack: Come. [motions Will over]

Tia Dalma: [caressing Will’s face] What service may I do ya? [forcefully, directed in Jack’s general direction] You know I demand payment.

Jack: I brought payment. [whistles for the cage to be brought closer; unveils it to show the monkey inside] Look… [shoots it] an undead monkey. Top that!

[Tia Dalma lets the monkey out and it runs to a low table]

Gibbs: No. [winces] You’ve no idea how long it took us to catch that.

Tia Dalma: The payment is fair.

Will: We’re looking for this. [lays out the drawing of a key] And what it goes to.

Tia Dalma: [to Jack] The compass you bartered from me, it cannot lead you to this?

Jack: Maybe. Why?

Tia Dalma: Aah. Jack Sparrow does not know what he wants. Or do you know but are loath to claim it as your own. Your key go to a chest. And it is what lay inside the chest you seek. Don’t it?

Gibbs: What is inside?

Pintel: Gold? Jewels? Unclaimed properties of valuable nature?

Ragetti: Nothing bad, I hope.

Tia Dalma: You know of Davy Jones, yes? [the Crew nods] A man of the sea. A great Sailor. Until he run afoul of that which vex all men. [Jack pockets something while no one’s looking]

Will: What vexes all men?

Tia Dalma: [she teasingly touches Will’s hand] What indeed.

Gibbs: The sea?

Pintel: Sums.

Ragetti: The dichotomy of good and evil. [Gibbs and Pintel give him a look]

Jack: A woman!

Tia Dalma: A woman. He fell in love.

Gibbs: No no no no, I heard it was the sea he fell in love with.

Tia Dalma: Same story, different version and all are true. See it was a woman as changing, and harsh and untamable as the sea. He never stopped loving her. But the pain it caused him was too much to live with. But not enough to cause him to die.

Will: What exactly did he put into the chest?

Tia Dalma: [puts hand upon her breast] Him heart.

Ragetti: Literally or figuratively?

Pintel: He couldn’t live, putting his heart in a chest. Could he?

Tia Dalma: It was not worth feeling what small, fleeting joy life brings. And so, him carved out him heart, lock it down in a chest, and hide the chest from the world. The key he keep with him at all times.

Will: [to Jack] You knew this.

Jack: I did not. I didn’t know where the key was. But now we do. So, all that’s left is to climb aboard the Flying Dutchman, grab the key, you go back to Port Royal and save your bonnie lass, aye?

Tia Dalma: [to Jack] Let me see your hand. [Jack wants to offer his unmarked right one, but knows better and gives her the one he has wrapped up; she undoes the makeshift bandages and everyone gets a look at the black spot on Jack’s palm]

Gibbs: [gasps] The black spot! [dusts himself off and spins around, spitting on the ground once he’s made a circle] The black spot.

Pintel and Ragetti: [follow Gibbs in his ritual] Black spot.

Jack: My eyesight’s as good as ever, just so you know.

Tia Dalma: [rummages around in the back of her hut, talking to herself; Jack steals another trinket from her; she returns with a jar in her arms] Davy Jones cannot make port. Cannot step on land but once every ten years. Land is where you Will be safe, Jack Sparrow, and so you Will carry la

Indulás: 2006-09-19
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